Summer Program Pôle Espoir U11-U12M CDC2

Boys born in 2014 and 2013

In accordance with the guidelines of Soccer Canada and Soccer Québec, the U9/U10 programs are tailored to meet the diverse needs and expectations of young players, ensuring an inclusive and supportive environment for all participants. The CDC 2 program will be referred to as PÔLE ESPOIR and includes two activities per week. 

The Pôle Espoir program offers a personalized pathway, tailored to the needs and objectives of each player. Designed to foster a love for the game, the PÔLE ESPOIR program provides a welcoming and structured environment where learning, enjoyment, and discovery are at the heart of the experience 

Program: Pôle Espoir CDC 2 

U11-U12: Boys born in 2014 and 2013 

CDC (Club Development Center) 
-LEARNING TO TRAIN: Group training in the form of workshops. 

Team registration with the Outaouais Regional Soccer League (LRSO 9v9). 

The CDC 2 program will now be known as Pôle Espoir . This program includes one CDC training and one match per week. Teams will be formed based on age group, location, as well as skills and abilities. Training sessions will take place in the Chelsea and Cantley areas. This program is open to young players of beginner, intermediate, or advanced levels, offering an option suitable for all players. 

All teams in the Pôle Espoir program will compete at the CRL (Local) level in the Outaouais Regional Soccer League (LRSO) with a 9v9 format. Therefore, there is no possibility to join a CR (Regional) team by being part of the Pôle Espoir program. 

Young players interested in joining a regional team (higher level of competition) will have the opportunity to enroll in the Pôle Excellence program. 

What is a CRL and CR league? 

A preparation camp will be held from May 5 to 9. This camp will allow us to form teams based on skills, abilities, and the requests made in advance by members wishing to train together. 

Price: 395$ 
Dates: May 12 to August 30 

Team Format: Sector-based 


  • Wednesday: CDC Practice, Chelsea (Field 3) 6:45pm – 8:00pm. 
  • Wednesday: CDC Practice, Cantley (Mary Anne Phillips) 5:30pm – 6:45pm. 
  • Thursday: LRSO MatcH

Full Schedule: 

Preparation Camp: 

Week of May 5 to 9 

Training Sessions: Training sessions will be organized according to the CDC format. Each session will include 4 different workshops related to the session theme, which the groups will participate in. These workshops will be led by coaches and supervised by the Field Manager. 

Games: Team registration with LRSO includes 12 to 14 matches. Each team can register for other competitions such as the LRSO Cup, Rendez-vous 24, or tournaments. 

The U11-U12 program builds on the skills learned in U9-U10. The workshops are designed according to the standards of Soccer Canada and Soccer Québec. The goal is for players to have fun while continuing to develop their skills. Emphasis is placed on creativity rather than competition. No rankings are kept by the League. 

Training Location: Group training sessions (CDC) will be offered in the Chelsea and Cantley areas. 

Included Equipment: All players will receive a uniform (shirt, shorts, and socks) which they keep at the end of the season. Players must provide their own cleats and shin guards.

Soccer Festival (End-of-Season Celebration): To wrap up the season in style, the Collines Soccer Club invites all U4 to U12 players to the Soccer Festival held the weekend of August 23-24. Activities will include: friendly matches, medal presentations, BBQ, music, inflatable games, and lots of fun! 

What is a CDC?