Adult Fall/Winter Program

One of the goals of the Soccer des Collines club is to ensure all adult players have a team to play on, appropriate to their interests and abilities. Our philosophy supports the concept of life long play and healthy living for our community. We offer several programs for adult players.

The Colonels League is back at La Fonderie! It’s Friday nights with 6-a-side matches, no referees, all skill levels with balanced teams. 


La Fonderie, 211 Rue Montcalm, Gatineau, QC J8Y 3B5 



26-week season (Oct 18 – Apr 25)   

Fall season: Oct 13 -> Jan 17   

Winter season: Jan 24 – Apr 18 


The full season costs $260, plus the affiliation fee ($63). Separate registrations for fall or winter will cost $150, plus the affiliation fee. Priority will be given to those who register for the full season. The affiliation fee is paid once per year. 



To register, please follow the link above for the Club de Soccer des Collines, complete the registration form, and make your payment.   

Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis, based on payment. The first 54 registrants will be accepted, and subsequent registrations will be placed on a waiting list. 


We aim to form a minimum of 6 teams, each with 9 players. Goalkeepers will be rotated, and the game will be self-managed, so please call your own fouls. 

Please register using the link above