
Soccer des Collines strives to offer structured and supervised soccer activities throughout its large territory, in order to support the greatest possible number of players, throughout the year with the constant concern for the respect of the great Principles surrounding player development as advocated by FIFA, Soccer Canada and the Quebec Soccer Federation.

Through soccer, the Soccer des Collines promotes the values of respect, passion and pleasure, balance and solidarity. 


Soccer des Collines offers every player the opportunity to play soccer:

  1. A climate of support and encouragement where the emphasis is on the pleasure of playing and learning;
  2.  A level consistent with their interest and ability;
  3. A stimulating framework that allows players to develop the best of themselves.

The primary responsibility of Soccer des Collines is to provide the best for each player so that everyone gets the most out of their soccer experience.

Every decision made by the Club and the coach must be in the interest of the individual player. 


  1. We inspire excellence in soccer and the love for the game.
  2. We teach our players to have a winning attitude and to be modest in victory and gracious in defeat.
  3. We treat each other with respect and work and act as a team.
  4. We continuously strive and are committed to excellence in whatever we do.